You can start to hunt around for your own favorite public APIs, and move beyond just what your own coding skills allow for. 您可以着手寻找自己喜欢的公共API,从而超越自己编程技能的限制。
You also saw how to expose the defaults to plug-in users, letting the users define their own defaults in one spot, easing coding for them. 您还可以看到如何向插件用户展示默认值,让用户定义他们自己的默认值,轻松实现编码。
Applications like the one you're going to create always reside on their own server and are then served up in iframes inside Facebook: Merely coding from localhost won't work here. 应用程序(例如您将要创建的应用程序)总是位于它们自己的服务器上,然后在Facebook内的iframe中提供服务:仅来自localhost的编码在这里不起作用。
We have explained the basics of the neural net in a way that should allow you to begin to apply them in your own coding. 本文从某种程度上阐述了神经网络的基础,使您能够开始在您自己的编码过程中应用它们。
For this reason, I would recommend you start your jQuery code with namespace issues in mind right away, and use this solution for all of your own coding. 鉴于这个原因,我建议您现在就开始考虑jQuery代码中的名称空间问题,并在编写代码时使用这种解决办法。
Well, one family have come up with their own way of making sure they can by colour coding their triplets 'toe nails to tell them apart. 好吧,有一家人想出的法子是给自家三胞胎的脚趾甲分别涂上不同颜色的指甲油。
Although you can also create your UI by writing your own code, designers enable you to do this work much more rapidly than is possible by manual coding. 虽然也可以通过编写自己的代码创建ui,但使用各种设计器使您能够以较手动编码快得多的速度完成此项工作。
Programmed cell death ( PCD) is a normal physiological responses that occur in cells under the control of their own genetic coding and a variety of factors. 细胞程序性死亡是细胞在自身基因编码、多种因子调控的作用下发生的一种正常的生理反应。
Objective To help coders to improve their own quality so as to better implement ICD-10. Methods Experience in implementing ICD-9 was reviewed and the key factors in operating the coding of ICD-10 were grasped by carefully studying the original work. 目的为了使编码员提高自身素质,更好地推行和使用ICD-10。方法采用回顾ICD-9推行经验和认真阅读ICD-10原著,领会其编码操作中的核心要素。
The holiness of the classic ( the material of Chinese studying) gradually reduced its own charming for the shift of the society and the divers of the value and the differentiation of the school languages coding. 因社会的转型、价值的多元化与学校语言编码的分化,经典(语文学习的材料)存在的神圣性正在被逐渐的祛魅。
The paper summarized the most of video coding technologies and standards, furthermore, have a detailed presentation of Chinese standard of our own: AVS ( Audio Video coding Standard). 概述了国际国内视频编码标准发展的过程,侧重介绍了中国制定的具有自主知识产权的视频标准AVS(AudioVideoCodingStandard)标准。
The other sensors utilize the information received to compress their own data. Using classical source coding, it can be more effective to remove data redundancy and reduce energy consumption as well as the algorithm complexity comparing using distributed source coding. 侦听节点利用获得的信息压缩自身数据,使用经典信源编码,可以有效去除数据冗余,减少分布式编码的簇首能耗以及算法实现的复杂度。
Author combine their own funds in the enterprise management system development, software development mainly experienced several phases: needs analysis, detailed design stage, coding and implementation of the testing phase. 作者参与了企业资金管理系统的开发,主要经历了软件开发的几个阶段:需求分析阶段、详细设计阶段、编码实现过程及测试阶段。
What we most care is only a certain scope around own ship of radar image, ROI coding technique is investigated. 本文针对船用导航雷达的特点,我们关心的可能只是船舶周围一定范围内的雷达图像,对感兴趣区域的图像编码方法进行了研究。
However, in practical coding, the local statistics cannot be estimated accurately in block-based coding, while with a smaller coding unit, line-based and pixel-based coding own good coding flexibility and local adaptivity. 但是,在实际编码中,块结构难以准确地估计局部的统计特性,而行/列结构和像素结构由于具有更小的重建单元而具有更好的编码灵活性和局部自适应性。
Today the companies which want to try the automatic management of supply chain logistics are always facing the same challenges: partners do not have business information or prevail, using their own coding rules. 现今想尝试供应链物流自动化管理的企业总是面临着同一个难题:合作伙伴没有将业务信息化或各行其道,采用各自的编码规则,自动识别标识无法在供应链上重复利用,信息传递受阻。